Voting Strength For 2014 Annual General Meeting

Please find below the listing of owner counts as supplied by each NCA. The voting strength of each country is shown in the two right columns and is based on the table as published in the Regulations of the IOM ICA.
Please note that three NCAs have not submitted owner counts for this year. Those are the countries shown in red. In spite of numerous messages sent to these NCAs there have been no replies. Effective with this announcement, those countries will not be allowed to participate in this year’s AGM and will not be included in the allocation of entry spaces
for the 2015 Worlds Championship Regatta.

Barry Fox, Secretary IOM ICA October 27, 2014

IOM ICA 2015 AGM Notices

September 14, 2014:

Resolutions for an ordinary or annual meeting of the World Council shall be specified to the IOM ICA Secretary in writing at least 10 weeks before the meeting at which they are to be proposed.

Sooner is better.

 September 28:

At least 8 week’s notice in writing shall be given of any ordinary or annual World Council meeting by the IOM ICA Secretary to the members of the World Council, together with a copy of the agenda for the meeting and of any resolutions which are to be proposed at the meeting

October 26, 2014:

Four (4) weeks before any meeting of the World CouncilMember NCAs and NCSs shall declare in writing to the IOM ICA Secretary, by boat number and owner’s name, the Registered OwnersRegistered BoatsCertificated Owners, and Certificated Boats that the Member NCA or NCS represents

November 23. 2014:

Meeting Day. The meeting is virtually all about totaling any votes submitted and reporting the outcome.

There needs to be a change to this procedure to allow for discussion of proposals and maybe some time for proposing amendments before each NCA takes its own internal vote from its members. You will recall that we have had a couple of instances in the last few years where resolutions were defeated instead of amended when the kernel of the resolution was fine but some of the detail not so much. We’ll see if we can come up with some proposal to alter how that all works.

Remember that the NCAs are the members of IOM ICA so any suggestions or amendments will always have to come through members in good standing (I think that is all of you at this point) and not from individual sailors.

So there you are. The clock is starting to tick and please submit any resolutions as soon as you have them prepared so that the appropriate Sub Committee can review them and have them put on the agenda.

If you have question please ask them as they come to you. Maybe don’t do a reply to all so that we don’t flood the inboxes of everyone (I’ll take care of that!!)

         Barry Fox

        IOM ICA Secretary

2014 European Championship – Allocation of places.

Taken from IOM Class Championship Regulations 2013
The maximum number of boats shall be 76.
The initial closing date shall be June 27th 2014. In order to be included in allocation of places, non continental NCA shall declare their will to send entries six months before the start of the event. (So  March 27th, and AUS and USA have declared interest before)
The allocation of places shall take place within 14 days of the initial closing date.
Read the full article here